Howard Goldstein

Howard Goldstein
'The New Jersey Liquor License Expert" - click on picture to go to my web site

Saturday, March 9, 2013

NJ plenary 44 Distribution Liquor License for use in a package store

Here is a list of retail New Jersey 44 Distribution license for use in a store for sale.

NOTE:  These are New Jersey Liquor Licenses only, no real estate is attached.

The list is subject to change at any time.

Make offers......acceptance of the offer rests with the seller at the time of the offer. This list represents availability only.

 Jersey City - $225,000

 Weehawken - $125,000

 Newark - $150,000

 Elizabeth - locate anywhere in  city - $95,000

The buyer MUST check to see if the license can be placed in the desired location in each town.

Restrictions apply and are different in each town.

Consult your attorney for guidance.

Email me at or phone me at 908-403-2718 for more information.